
The Teekay Stepped coupling is a “problem-solver” on any site with the ability to join pipes of different ODs and different materials. Typical applications:

  • refurbishments (where the contractor is connecting a piping system back into the original layout)
  • repairs to old water mains (where the pipe is so corroded it needs to be replaced with a new material in metric size)
  • chamber connections
  • pipe material transitions
  • joining metallic pipe to plastic pipe

Technical Details


Type IAISI 304/ DIN 1.4301Alloy Steel, PTFE coatedEPDM/NBR/HNBR/Viton
Type IIAISI 304/ DIN 1.4301AISI 316/ 316LEPDM/NBR/HNBR/Viton
Type IVAISI 316L/ DIN 1.4404AISI 316/ 316LEPDM/NBR/HNBR/Viton
Type VHigh strengh steelRilsan/ PVC/ Epoxy/ GalvanizedAlloy Steel, PTFE coatedEPDM/NBR/HNBR/Viton 
Type VIHigh strengh steel Rilsan/ PVC/ Epoxy/ GalvanizedAISI 316/ 316L EPDM/NBR/HNBR/Viton